/manager/Index en-au 5 Incidence semirings of graphs and visible bases /manager/Repository/uon:18001 Wed 29 Apr 2020 13:48:58 AEST ]]> Matrix constructions of centroid sets for classification systems /manager/Repository/uon:29328 Wed 27 Apr 2022 14:49:55 AEST ]]> On quotient digraphs and voltage digraphs /manager/Repository/uon:30377 α . We prove that all the eigenvalues of ⌈ (including multiplicities) are, in addition, eigenvalues of ⌈α. This study is carried out by introducing several reduced matrix representations of ⌈α. As an example of our techniques, we study some basic properties of the Alegre digraph and its base.]]> Wed 11 Apr 2018 14:19:34 AEST ]]> Distances of centroid sets in a graph-based construction for information security applications /manager/Repository/uon:28348 Wed 11 Apr 2018 13:20:27 AEST ]]> From expanded digraphs to lifts of voltage digraphs and line digraphs /manager/Repository/uon:30378 Wed 11 Apr 2018 12:26:06 AEST ]]> Total edge irregularity strength of octagonal grid graph /manager/Repository/uon:34598 Tue 02 Apr 2019 11:20:15 AEDT ]]> Cube-magic labelings of grids /manager/Repository/uon:50676 2) can be labeled with the integers from {1,...,|V|} and {1 respectively, in such a way that for every subgraph H isomorphic to a d-cube the sum of all the labels of H is the same. As a consequence, for every d ≥ 2, every d-dimensional grid graph is Q-supermagic where Q is the d-cube.]]> Tue 01 Aug 2023 15:12:45 AEST ]]> On distance magic labeling of graphs /manager/Repository/uon:8133 Sat 24 Mar 2018 08:40:03 AEDT ]]> Clique vertex magic cover of a graph /manager/Repository/uon:17756 ί, ί , i = 1, . . . , r of G is isomorphic to H and f(Hί)=f(H)=Σ v∈V(Hί) f(v)+Σ e∈V(Hί) f(e)=m(f). In this paper we define a subgraph-vertex magic cover of a graph and give some construction of some families of graphs that admit this property. We show the construction of some Cn - vertex magic covered and clique magic covered graphs.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:57:21 AEDT ]]> Rees semigroups of digraphs for classification of data /manager/Repository/uon:23853 S of the Rees semigroup of a digraph and for every zero-divisor-free idempotent semiring F with identity element, our main theorem describes all ideals J in the semigroup semiring F₀[S] such that J has the largest possible weight.]]> Sat 24 Mar 2018 07:12:11 AEDT ]]> An improved Moore bound and some new optimal families of mixed Abelian Cayley graphs /manager/Repository/uon:38494 Mon 11 Oct 2021 14:41:00 AEDT ]]> An algebraic approach to lifts of digraphs /manager/Repository/uon:36785 α of a voltage digraph, which has arcs weighted by the elements of a group. As a main result, when the involved group is Abelian, we completely determine the spectrum of Γα. As some examples of our technique, we study some basic properties of the Alegre digraph, and completely characterize the spectrum of a new family of digraphs, which contains the generalized Petersen graphs, and the Hoffman-Singleton graph.]]> Mon 06 Jul 2020 09:53:43 AEST ]]>